As a Registered Dietitian with 10 years of experience, I am passionate about helping others build a healthy, balanced relationship with food. I specialize in intuitive eating and believe in the Health at Every Size (HAES) model. I believe in supporting individuals to embrace their unique bodies and cultivate a positive, sustainable approach to nourishment.

On my own, trying to heal my relationship with food only resulted in me finding a new form of the disease.

Throughout the seventeen years that I lived with my eating disorder, I was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, bulimia, body dysmorphia, OSFED, excessive exercise disorder and atypical anorexia. I even became a dietitian, hoping knowledge of nutrition would save me from my disease.

It wasn’t until I reached out for help and guidance that I was finally able to recover. I’ve been in recovery for some years now, and want to share what I’ve learned with you!

My goal is to help the next struggling person with an eating disorder. I want you to believe you can recover, and have some fun along the way. I approach treatment with levity, and I want you to feel like you are talking to a friend who understands (because I really do). I want you to be able to laugh in our sessions, but also know that our sessions are a safe place to release fear.

Full recovery is possible. Peace is right around the corner.